Legal News Insurance company delay tactics short-change personal injury victims

By Lawyer ~ January 10th, 2012 @ 5:17 pm

A recent article reveals how the insurance companies will low-ball claims or delay claims all in the name of generating profits at the expense of policyholders. The insurance industry has been transformed from a service business to a profit-driven machine, according to a report in the Huffington Post.

Insurance companies want people to accept their low-ball offers. If people injured in accidents refuse the insurer’s offer, the insurance company may delay the claim. The tactic means many people injured in car accidents or harmed by other forms of negligence need to retain lawyers to pursue personal injury lawsuits to get fair compensation See: accident lawyer Raleigh

A former Allstate insurance agent told the trial lawyers lobby (American Associates for Justice) that the strategy was designed to make claims “so expensive and so time-consuming that lawyers would start refusing to help clients.”

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