Archive for May 21st, 2016

Wichita Truckers Need to Remove Snow to Prevent Truck Accidents

Saturday, May 21st, 2016

Long-haul truck drivers may encounter snow and ice in many states they travel across over the course of the winter. Penske warns truckers they need to be aware there are different rules for snow and ice removal across different states. Truckers from warmer-weather locations, in particular, need to be aware they may be getting new […]

Veterans and Inpatient Suicide Risks

Saturday, May 21st, 2016

As the San Diego Tribune recently reported, suicide rates are high among veterans who have served in combat since the attacks on 9/11/01. Unfortunately, research into veteran suicides reveals that both the VA and civilian health institutions are not doing enough to help when veterans appear to be giving up on treatment or experiencing despair. In some cases, […]

Three Dangerous Types of Truck Accidents That Can Injure Louisville Drivers

Saturday, May 21st, 2016

According to Cullman Today, Interstate 65 was recently shut down because an 18-wheeler rolled over in a fiery crash. One Kentucky businessman commented to the news that the accident had left him stuck on the highway for so long to try to get to a meeting that he should have just gotten a hotel room. […]

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