Archive for January, 2012

Penn State News What you should know about personal injury lawyers and the Penn State child sexual abuse case

Friday, January 6th, 2012

Child sexual abuse ranks among the most horrific of all crimes. When allegations of child sexual assault surfaced at Penn State University, many in Pennsylvania were shocked. Jerry Sandusky, an once revered assistant football coach, was charged with abusing eight boys over a 15-year time period. Sandusky denied the charges, but said he did shower […]

Legal News1 Probe underway into Atlanta car accident that killed Kathy Porter

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

n investigation is underway into the tragic Atlanta car accident that killed Kathy Porter, the wife of Braves head trainer Jeff Porter. Kathy Porter was a passenger in an SUV that was struck by a state patrol trooper’s vehicle on New Year’s Eve. Her husband was behind the wheel when the trooper crashed into them […]

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